ALAIA BAY (Switzerland) Family Trip

When: 1st week of August

Team: Family. 3 kids

Travel purpose: Van Trip. We were meant to go to Cold Hawaii but the weather was so bad that we changed our plans and went to Italy, then to France stoping by Switzerland to try this Artificial Wave Park they built in the Alps.

Weather: Sunny. Still you need to wear a wetsuit.

Where to stay/sleep - Location: 15 minutes away from Alaia Bay in the mountains. Nice spot, I recommend.

There on Google Maps

About surfing there:

The spot in surrounded by mountains, super nice.

The water is not salty so the buoyancy is weaker, you should maybe take a bigger board than usually.

On the website, your book your slot according to your level. Level expectations were quite high we found with my son. But apparently they’ve been more accurate now as they received several feedback about that question. Find your level here

You also pick up if you want right or left waves.

All in all, a great experience with my son!

Where to eat in: The Tri Fins Restaurant on the site is really nice and good.


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