Costa da Caparica
"Les Digues"
How do I get there?
Put in your Google Maps/Waze: Dr Bernard - Then you can park in the big Via Verde Car Park behind.
A bit further is Praia do Dragao Vermelho. There’s a car park there, then you take the big steps to access the beach. Depending on the conditions you go surfing on your right or on your left.
Which kind of waves do I find?
Waves are usually a bit more consistent than anywhere else along the Caparica coast. You can choose to go there if you look for bigger waves.
We usually go there when it’s really small. Bear in mind that you will have to deal with more people, and more locals. So be really careful with the priority rules!
A 20 minutes de Lisbonne, vous traversez le pont du 25 Octobre en direction de Caparica. Et la magie opère. C’est le début de 30 km de plages sauvages.
Aux Digues, car c’est ainsi que les francais surnomment ce spot, on trouve toute l’annee des droites mais aussi quelques gauches.
Les Digues sont en plein centre ville. Pour y acceder, vous pouvez viser le restaurant Dr Bernard. Il y a un grand parking juste derriere.
Les vagues y sont en general un peu plus grosses. En revanche, les locaux y sont un peu plus presents et pas toujours aussi relax que plus loin.
A vous d’arbitrer, bon surf !
Caparica Beaches
They are so many that we won’t be able to quote them all. Basically, they all have a point of interest and very different styles in the end! Just spend time in Caparica and get to know them! We will talk about some of them but they all deserve a session ;)
Praia da Riviera
Praia da Princesa
Posto 9
Praia da Sereia
Praia da Cornelia
Praia da Mata
Fonte da Telha
How do I get there?
Put Fonte da Telha or Kailua Restaurant in your GPS.
Which kind of waves can I find there?
Generally, they are a bit smaller. We go there when they are too big anywhere else in Caparica. You can also find smaller waves going to other places around Lisbon like in Carcavelos.
La dernière plage en allant vers le Cabo de Espichel. C’est une tres longue plage, magnifique.
Les vagues y sont un peu moins grosses en hiver que les autres.
Pour trouver des spots plus petits, vous pouvez aussi vous diriger vers Carcavelos.
Other Cool Spots around Lisbon
Lorsque les vagues sont tres petites ou si tu as un tres bon niveau, Guincho est le spot le plus adapte. C'est une plage magnifique mais tres exposee au vent.
Voici deux endroits ou a priori tu pourras te garer (Cela dit, les mois chauds, ce sera difficile mais on finit toujours par trouver une petite place le long de la route).
Temps de trajet depuis Lisbonne centre: 28 minutes.
Sur le parking du Muchaxo:
A l'autre bout de la plage, sur le parking du Bar do Guincho:
Praia Grande
What do I put in my GPS:
Bar Do Fundo
Which kind of waves are there?
If you are desperate as it is flat everywhere, then Praia Grande is the solution!
Praia Grande is one of the most consistent and versatile beachbreaks near Lisbon. With long and slow waves at low tide, and faster, shorebreaks when the tide is higher. It can be windy but the cliffs that surround the beach generally protect the spot. You can surf here anytime you want. The only thing is that it is a bit further from Lisbon.
On pourrait aussi appeler cette plage, la plage de la Derniere Chance
Carcavelos is a great spot for surfing with plenty of beaches. Though you can find some exposed rocks in low tide, they are mainly sandy beaches and clear blue water. You have also surf schools and plenty of places to rent equipment.
How do I get to Praia de Carcavelos?
When freshly arrived in Lisbonne, I found it hard to park easily and to find my way to the beach.
If you put Free Park (parque gratuito), Av Jorge V, then it is easy. You park there and you can cross under the road. It gives you direct access to the beach.
Is Carcavelos good for beginner surfing?
Surfers can experience a range of swells depending on the weather as well as waves breaking from both the left and right. This makes it an ideal spot not only for beginners but also for surfers looking to progress and gain experience. There are a number of surf schools along Carcavelos beach with the opportunity to book surf lessons.
When is the best time to surf in Carcavelos?
October to March because they are higher winds and therefore bigger waves. During the summer months, the waves are more inconsistent and there is a higher chance of overcrowding with beaches becoming hotspots for tourists and Portuguese locals. Be prepared to wear a wetsuit in the winter with cooler water temperatures and less sunshine. Though it depends on the particular spot, it is also recommended to surf at mid to high tide to avoid rocks.
Other great beaches nearby (less crowded)
Praia da Poca
Praia de Sao Pedro
Praia da Bafureira
Praia Da Torre
A 45 minutes de Lisbonne, les vagues y sont un peu plus fortes en hiver.
Nous reviendrons plus en details sur ce spot dans les prochains jours.
Pour les pros ou les spectateurs amateurs de vagues XXL.
Nous vous donnerons plus tard tous les tips pour reussir votre sortie a Nazare.
Costa Vicentina
Porto Covo